Friday, July 18, 2008

The Beer Is In The Bathtub

Back to the FWADS reunion. Sunday dawned bright and early and a few of the guys and girls decided to hit the links.



After lunch Stan, Koz, D and I decided to go check out Sleeping Bear Dunes.



And who doesn't like to watch the freightors go by?



Some of us, just two actually, decided to climb part way up the dunes. I know they aren't the easiest to climb and we were giving the two who stayed behind, namely D and Koz, the benefit of the doubt until we ran across a lady climbing the dunes using crutches. After seeing that we cut them no slack.


The day ended with more pickled eggs,


more cards (euchre was the game of choice that night),


and of course, the beer was in the bathtub.


That pretty much concludes the 30th year reunion of the FWADS. I was telling a friend about our reunion and she remarked that after the first five minutes of pleasantries we probably didn't have that much in common anymore. I had to stop and think about that for a minute but then I said, "No." It was like we had just seen each other last week and not 30 years ago. If any of them lived close to us we would still choose to be friends and hang out with them. It's funny how a random selection of people by MTU housing could turn into such a good and fun group of friends. I have no doubt the next reunion will be just as much fun.

3 comments....porters always have something to say!:

jporterGOP said...

i'm glad you guys had so much fun!

Unknown said...

Your friend might be right with most other groups (like the group I graduated high school with) but not with these guys. They are the best group of friends I have ever had and will ever have. Even though I hadn't seen these guys for about 30 years when we met it was like we never left Tech. For the ones who missed it they missed a great event and I know I will be at the next one.

This is a group of friends that doesn't come along very often.

Just so you know I wouldn't admit this to any of those knuckleheads.

Shaelynn said...

I have to agree with Uncle C, due to my similar experiences. I barely talk to anybody from high school, but I keep track of my close college friends despite the big distances between us.

There must be something about college friends (and that includes random roommate selection).

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Newton's Cradle