Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's A Parade!

We woke up to another beautiful Michigan morning and decided to head for the annual Memorial Day parade. Well, actually it was decided for us since Katie was in the parade and really what is the sense of being in a parade if there is no one there to watch you.

We weren't the only ones gathering for this big event. I see the flag girls have arrived.


We got Katie settled with instructions to meet us at the slide after the parade was over. Her question, "Which slide?". Uh, there's only one, Buttercup, it shouldn't be hard to find.


We headed out to find a prime viewing spot. On the way is a sight not to be missed if you should ever decide to vacation in Coleman and want to see one of its historical highlights. This would be the building where I attended fourth grade. Our annex had burnt and there was no room in the school for us so we finished out the year here in what was the American Legion Hall. Every time we opened our books the smell of smoke would fill the air and that was the year I started to wear glasses. Truely a sight not to be missed on anyone's tour.


Here comes the parade led by veterans of course.


I believe this is a veteran from WW II. I do know that he had run us off the sidewalk earlier when we were dropping Katie off. Forgive and forget that is what I say. After all he had risked his life so I could be run off a sidewalk.


Of course, no parade is complete without bands


and bikes.


There's my little Buttercup!!


Here's another small town parade fixture. I never feel like I've been to a parade until the firetruck drives by.


Of course, the real reason for having a parade is to honor the veterans who gave their lives in the service of their country. We stayed for the cermony afterwards to honor those brave men and women.



No parade is complete without ice cream and this one was no exception. We decided to head here


to enjoy some of this


but alas found this.


I feel your pain, John. Well, the pain of no ice cream. Certainly not the pain you're feeling from riding that ill-fitting bike 40 some miles the day before trying to keep up with Gramps in white socks.

All in all it was a very enjoyable morning.


2 comments....porters always have something to say!:

Anonymous said...

I never noticed before -- Katie and Michael have the same hair! Ugh!!!

megawatt miler said...

i started wearing glass two years before you? that doesnt make me feel good about my future.

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I'm strange, but I've got a great sister!

Newton's Cradle