If you decide to come home early from a business trip this is what you might find at our house.
Last week Dave had business in Seattle and I thought that would be a good time to paint our bedroom. We have lived here for 4 years and that is about 4 years too long to live with peach bedroom walls. The new color? Coffee and cream. In layman's terms a muted green. It's a color I have used in other parts of the house and one that I really like.
LIke I was saying Dave was supposed to be home Thursday evening. Early Wednesday afternoon I got a call from him saying he would be home later that afternoon. What? I'm not ready for you to come home. Are you sure?
He was and this is what he found.
In fairness I do have to say I had my days mixed up. He was supposed to be home on Wednesday.
Late Wednesday.
So he did come home early. But by a few hours not a day.
Saturday the room was painted and Sunday he was gone again. This time to Wisconsin, on to Iowa and now he is in Chicago. He'll be home tomorrow.
I think.
No, he will be home tomorrow and this is what he will find when he gets here.
I still have pictures to put on the walls but this time Jo and I are ready.
He's leaving again Monday. I'm still trying to decide on what project to work on while he is gone. I'm open to suggestions.
Benefits of Dragon Fruits You Need to Know
6 years ago